dijous, 14 de novembre del 2013

Parlem de... "Presència territorial"?

I continuem! Aquesta setmana ha estat el torn dels participants a conversar sobre territori, arrelament, proximitat... Sí, "Presència territorial"! Us deixem aquí una foto del grup de dimarts: del de dimecres, al final, no en vam fer cap. Ho sentim!!!!

3 comentaris:

  1. The podcast "Parlem de Presència Territorial" discusses the importance of territorial presence for businesses and organizations. The podcast explores various aspects of territorial presence, such as customer proximity, local relationship creation, community participation, and local reputation management. The format is accessible and easy to follow, with episodes lasting between 30 and 45 minutes. The presentation is professional and enjoyable, with fluid and high-quality technical production. The podcast has the potential to be a useful resource for businesses and organizations seeking to increase their territorial presence. Recommendations include involving a wider variety of experts, including concrete examples and case studies, and promoting the podcast in specific channels. Overall, the podcast is valuable and valuable, with a 4/5 rating.
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  2. I truly enjoyed reading your insightful post on territorial presence! Your thoughts on the importance of being present and engaged with one's surroundings are both thought-provoking and inspiring. Keep sharing such valuable content, as it enriches our understanding of the world around us. Thanks for creating this space for meaningful discussion!
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  3. "Territorial Presence" is a compelling exploration of how geographic and cultural factors shape the identities and experiences of individuals and communities. This concept delves into the significance of physical and symbolic spaces in defining belonging, power dynamics, and social interactions. The discussion highlights how territorial presence influences everything from political boundaries to personal relationships, offering insights into the complex interplay between location and identity.
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